This is an outstanding review of an incident in Massachusetts that should never have

This is an outstanding review of an incident in Massachusetts that should never have happened. The “Normalization of Deviance” is related to the the “Drift Into Failure”.

Appalling! Great post.

We must all guard against this. I believe that normalization of deviance is pervasive at all levels for nearly everyone.

By coincidence, perhaps, Dan Luu blogged about that very thing:

Wow. That is epic.

Excellent and without contradicting anything I found this a little odd: " the pilot was able to physically push the power levers so far forward simply illustrates that anything can be broken if you put enough muscle into it."

If in fact the gust lock makes take-off impossible then it should not be possible have it on when taking off.

Why don’t they routinely and continuously analyze the data recorder and voice recorder to look for anomalies across all flights? We should be finding and removing the lazy pilots and complacent crews long before an accident makes it obvious.